Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Update 1

Okay - update on the physical stuff first: I have ABSOLUTELY fallen in love with spinning. It's become addictive. I didn't do so great the first time I went - but I talked with the instructor after class and she explained it's more interval training - click - light bulb on :) With that in mind, I was able to monitor my heart rate and endurance/effort better. I've switched my heart rate monitor over to the % HR to be displayed and that has also made a HUGE difference. I'm up to class number 9 as of this morning - and although I was incredibly sleep deprived from last night's adventure, I still did pretty well. I didn't burn as many calories, but I wasn't really expecting to! However, my recovery heart rate is getting MUCH better vs. my training heart rate. I've noticed several benefits to the class: 1) I am dropping some weight but more importantly 2) my ass and legs are shaping up like you would not believe. I've not weight trained my legs once yet (in part because I'm flat out beat when I get done with class), and I'm starting to see some definition and my ass is definitely getting tighter. WOOHOO!!! Going again tomorrow - they have an 8 AM class, then back to a normal schedule with it on Friday. I am going to have to vary the classes at some point - but right now, this is fantastic.
As for the financial part - that's going slower right now. I'm having some issues with my life insurance company NOT sending me the paperwork that I requested over 2 weeks ago. They are blaming the post office and "they cannot control the mail". Okay, my brother got his box of cookies we made in 5 days - we mailed them from Georgia and he is in AFGHANISTAN. This company is located in Utah - a letter from Utah with paperwork in it should not take longer than 5 days - we didn't even send the cookies specialty - just regular shipping. They are sending another copy of the paperwork out today. If I don't get it by the end of next week, I think I'll be speaking with a supervisor and they WILL find a way to send it to me electronically. How assinine is that? This is my money, and they are being dicks about it. However, when it's time for me to get a bill, I get those immediately . Go figure.

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