Friday, February 21, 2014


Long time since blogging...
The financial part of the F and P is going better. We've had some rough spots with D not working as much as he used to - so we've been dealing with living on one paycheck for quite some time.
We are paying cash for everything - this is the Dave Ramsey plan - and we did FPU together which was perhaps the best thing we could have done for ourselves and our relationship.
We are getting married :) Just about 5 weeks to go!

On the weight loss -well, we've had to drop the gym because of money - so we are starting over. Eating a lot cleaner on the slow carb plan - NO carbs really at all - even starchy veggies are out. The only problem I have is with the beans - we have to eat them to get the protein and fiber, but I'm still not a fan :P I've given up my beloved coca-cola :P and I've realized I can live without it and feel better without it. Will update my measurements and weight - even though I don't want to do that. I did take pics of me this AM (will not be posting those until I get to the 'after' pics) to help me really see how far I need to go with this. I cannot believe how bit I am!!! This, perhaps, wasn't the best day to do that due to my snit (see below) - but oh well, done now.

I've been in a snit the past two days - so thought writing might help. It started Wed evening - had to take my dad to the hospital for PVCs - he's fine, but that really shook me up quite a bit. I'm not ready to be an "adult orphan." Very nerve-wracking for me. Thursday went by and I didn't really pay much attention. Normally, I enjoy being outside and working in the yard which is all we did on Thursday - was still in a snit. D made me walk - which was good - but I figured after all the time out in the yard raking and moving leaves and trimming and blowing leaves, then walking SURELY my weight would reflect that this AM - NOPE! Very irritating/frustrating/de-motivating. So, he made me walk again this AM. I think I'm doing better, but man was I a bitch this morning!!!

So - perhaps blogging more often would be helpful to me. We'll see. On the good side, since doing the FPU course - I added up how much we paid off in debt - just about $10K in 9-10 months. We still have a ways to go - so after the wedding, we can put a good 1/3 of my paycheck towards debt and work on becoming completely debt free! I only have a small line of credit at the bank, and then under $4K on a credit card (the last one that has been closed down forever). If all goes well - both of those gone by July. Then, onto attacking SM and kicking her to the curb for G.O.O.D! D has some debt as well - and I know we are behind on some things dealing with the house, so once we are done with the wedding, we will sit and prioritize things we need to get rid of and determine the best way to do so. Really hoping that his work picks up very, very, very soon! It would help relieve a lot of stress from both of us...

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