Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good news on the F front!

The condo is being SOLD! SSSSOOO happy! Won't make much money on it, BUT it's enough to pay off two cards. Also, my raise *should* be coming through at the end of this month. If I've calculated correctly including taxes out, I should be pulling in $1000 more each month above what I was previously (before furloughs). That will SIGNIFICANTLY help in getting the rest of my bills paid off. I want to have at least one other card done by August if possible. I'm still waiting for this d*** lawsuit to shake out. As soon as that does, that might actually give me breathing room and a cushion. Will not even begin to count on that until it happens, but my attorney is in negotiations right now, so I'm hoping to have a resolution within the next couple of months if at all possible.
Now on the P side - D and I have worked out once together - RPM at the gym. SSSSSSOOOOO excited that he likes working out :) He's also going to help me with the strength training :) He wants to mix up his cardio - so RPM 3 days a week for him would be good, and I need to mix up my cardio, so he's going to help me with that. We may also need to discuss cooking "healthier" meals - but d*** he is a phenomenal cook! We may have to do more grilling so it's lower fat now that the weather is getting nicer :)
The goals this week are:
Break through my plateau - I want to break my 210/209 weight that I have been stagnating at for the last few weeks. I HAVE gone back on the pill, so that actually should help as I think I have more issues off of it than on - partially b/c I've been on them for so long, I think my body has finally adapted.
WATER!!!! I've got to get off the caffeine (limit to one glass of tea in the AM) and get back to my water regimen. D is SO good about that - and I KNOW I flush more out and do better when I drink it!
Gym consistency this week - plus I need to find out about putting D on my membership - or find out how much per month it would be if I cannot add him right now. I'm just excited that we can go together!!!!

I'm joining Jen - the Prior Fat Goal on her goals for 3 months. I DO need to find a reward - but I'm sure D and I can think of something! My MAIN reward will be to be able to wear my clothes - my really pretty FUN clothes - when we go out :) We are looking at doing the Jazz Journeys at the aquarium, the Martinis & IMAX at Fernbank, and maybe the cocktails in the gardens. Regardless, I need to be looking a little nicer and I WANT to dress up for him :) First time that's ever happened! So - gym tomorrow - WATCH OUT!

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