Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Okay - just had an interesting phone call from a friend. I have to preface this by saying I showed some incredible restraint in not being snarky.
She called to complain that, for the first time ever, she has to PAY taxes - and it's a good chunk of change. I then had to listen to her complain about how many deductions she couldn't take because she and her husband make too much money. Yes, I said that correctly - she can't take any deductions because she makes too much money. Can you see how I had to hold my tongue?? Wow. To put "too much" in perspective - she makes $30K MORE than I do - and her husband makes the same. So combined, they make around $188K PER YEAR. After taxes, they probably pull in $10K a month!!!

I don't make a lot of money. In fact, D and I have been surviving on my salary for the last 3 years due to his work being so hard - read: lack of jobs. However, in that time - thanks to Dave Ramsey - we've been able to pay off a significant amount of debt and save up to pay cash for our wedding.

This same friend often complains about a lot of things about $$. How much daycare is going to cost, how much formula and diapers cost, how much the matron of honor dress she bought (we found one for $50 online that fits) - I hear all about it. I've sent her coupons for diapers, wipes and formula to try and help - and I'll continue to do that. But I don't have too much sympathy anymore for the "we don't have money calls."

Here's the reason they don't have any money and why I hear all this - they don't budget like we do. If they actually sat down and did a budget, they could save up enough money to buy a home, with cash, in about 4-5 years. She told me they'll have to take the $$ out of their house savings account (this is what they are using to save money in for a DOWN payment - and then will still have a mortgage!!!) - it's $5400. Um - you're pulling in $10K a month - cut down on your expenses for one month and just pay it.

I'm so glad D and I are on the same page with money. She and her husband are NOT. His motto is "I work hard, and I make lots of money so I should be able to spend it however I want." Okay - I get that. But you still have debt and a car loan and a mortgage. All of that could go away in 2 years or less if they just would live like normal people (read - like D and I that don't have a lot of money and have to budget each month).

So - this entire thing makes me 1) grateful that D and I are together and even though we've had struggles, are on the same page with $$, 2) grateful that D and I don't waste money and 3) grateful that D and I have a plan to get out of debt so we will no longer be "slave to the lender."

It was a frustrating conversation, but I'm almost glad it happened. In a few short years, D and I will be on much firmer footing with half the salary that they have, and I can guarantee we will be a lot happier and in a lot better financial shape.

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